Community Musician Testimonials
‘We could see the benefit for residents for the rest of the day’
– Neil Bain, Ireland Lodge respite home
Some more reviews below…

“‘I am not musical in any way, having little sense of rhythm or tone. Yet in the workshop I felt a sense of possibilities as we worked together in our own ways. And when Bela joined in bringing all of us together in one piece it was marvellous.’”
– Mind LiVE participant

‘This is a really cool thing because in hospital you just hang around and it’s depressing – then you come along and it’s fun: something interesting is happening. It makes people feel good’
– patient, aged 8

‘Your sessions are very inclusive and enjoyable. You are so enthusiastic and it is infectious! These sessions are a great way of encouraging people to try something new – it brings people from all walks of life together and lifts spirits!’
– Karen George, Mind in Brighton & Hove

‘I have really enjoyed the opportunity to play with others, having not played for 45 years. I was on the brink of returning my hired violin but have so enjoyed this group experience. I really liked the way each evening was structured and how each component built on the last, culminating in each evening’s new song. It’s amazing that Bela was able to include so much in 5 short weeks’
– Strings Unbarred participant A

‘My four-year old son is attending Chailey rehab after having two strokes. I could see in his eyes he was stimulated when Bela played her cello and especially when she plucked the strings. Bela let my son touch her cello, which was great. The music session brought relaxation, enjoyment, fun, stimulation and happiness to my son and all children in the playscheme – a gorgeous atmosphere here at Chailey’
– mum of boy at Chailey Heritage

‘Your workshop was so nourishing and it really connected to my love of playing and being playful . Thanks for the reminder of how much I love playing’
– Branwen Lorigan BHCC Arts Development Manager, Brighton & Hove Creative Ageing multinational conference

‘Bela is a fantastic workshop leader – bright, fun, welcoming, skilled, inventive and she knows how to hold a diverse group really well. Our groups love the sessions that she runs, everyone feels uplifted and leaves with a big smile on their faces’
– Juli Wright, director, The Grow Project

‘I’ve gone from being a complete beginner to being able to join in a small group musical piece. I liked the variety – from physical exercises, audio games to playing with an ensemble. It was a thoroughly enjoyable course’
– Strings Unbarred participant K

‘Thank you for leading such a wonderful session at Ideas Test – the recording sounded amazing’
– Kevin Grist, Creative Producer, Medway

‘‘I was told at school I couldn’t play anything. You’ve inspired me to take up an instrument – I’m really excited’
– Je, participant

‘‘I thoroughly enjoyed this session. When I get home I will start playing the piano again’
– S, participant

‘I could plainly see the joy and benefits on people’s faces who were at session, it was terrific in every way and I was delighted to be able to see this first hand’
– Noel Sweeney, Brooke Mead Extra Care Scheme manager

‘A thoroughly enjoyable and therapeutic workshop which enabled me to create music not just emotionally and mentally, but physically, a whole new dimension’
– participant C

‘We could see the benefit for residents for the rest of the day’
– Neil Bain, Ireland Lodge respite home

‘In our fast-paced charity, we are challenged by competing priorities, limited resources and increasing demands from the families we support, who are themselves dealing with significant challenges in their lives.
We get little opportunity to sit down together with a focus on our own ways to wellbeing. Bela led us through a range of brilliant activities where we used instruments, our voices and our bodies to make beautiful music together as a team.
We all learned something new and re- connected with each other. It was amazing how quickly we sounded half decent. Thanks to Bela’s skill, the experience was relaxing, exciting, moving and a good giggle, all at the same time.’
– Sally Polanski, Deputy CEO, Amaze Sussex